This blog will carry my memories, some of them, and my spirituality.
My daily struggle to keep sanity and love for this wonderful world of ours!
I welcome visits, comments – just any type – and, above all, your prayers and friendship.
I wish to make this wonderful modern means of the W.W.W. one more hook into this world, rediscover old friends, make new ones and be there for life!
quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2009
Quincas died - 1969
Mané and Quincas, the two sexagenarian homeless guys living with us slept on the floor, on soft mattresses, made by my mother with an especial kind of grass, harvested from a neighbors’ swamp, where it grew wild. The freshly made beds smelt great. It provided perfect sleep alright. Daybreak brought life back into business. I woke with a weird noise, as if a cat was being strangled. Quincas was having an attack and my father, holding his hands, whispered a shaky Ave Maria prayer. Quincas died and was buried before God called it a day. A sad day!
I am a 54 years old widowed man, native of Rio Verde, a town 250 km north from where I live now.
I was born a catholic, when 15 years old became a holdeman mennonite and, since then never left the anabaptist fold.
I attended Bethany Theological Seminary for a while, and was ordained a Church of the Brethren pastor in September of 1987 in Eagle Rock Virginia, USA. After this, I served in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil as a volunteer in a poor neighborhood. Since then, I have been involved with several religious and environmental and human rights movements.
I live in a small farm North of Goiânia.
My main interest is in developing a new, inclusive, open and festive appreciation of the Mystery, without concern for finding or giving answers, but with living, as enabled, the Smile of God is us.
I wish to make this wonderful modern means of the W.W.W. one more hook into the world, rediscover old friends, make new ones and be there for life!
Maybe George Sand was right when she said that for such people, who suffer so badly in life, death is a blessing =D